Reviews, Views, Opinions… Call it what you want… Roz gets to have her say!

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Review: Audacity – The Free, Cross-Platform Sound Editor

— quote from the Audacity website —

Audacity® is free, open source software for recording and editing sounds. It is available for Mac OS X, Microsoft Windows, GNU/Linux, and other operating systems.

— end quote —

A friend/colleague turned me on to a wonderful “open source” audio recorder called Audacity.  Audacity not only lets you create your own audio files, but allowes you to edit them and save to popular formats.  Here is a complete list of its endless features:


March 13, 2006   Comments Off on Review: Audacity – The Free, Cross-Platform Sound Editor

Roz Says: Turning the Clocks Ahead… turned my head!

Well, it’s 5:13AM and I am still here…  I know, I know, I said I was going to catch a few hours sleep, but I could not resist checking to see when we change the clocks.  That is my most favorite time of year as it feels like we are being given the “gift of more time!” The days have already started getting longer, but when the clocks are pushed forward they get longer bigtime!

I found this great site at: 
that provides history on switching the clocks and dates to do it.  It says… Starting in 2007 there will be an extra month before the clocks are pushed back again, thus giving us an extra month of longer days!

This year, in most of the United States we turn the clocks AHEAD on the first Sunday of April.  This year that falls on April 2, 2006.  Now that I know when, I’ll literally be counting the days!

Posted by Roz Fruchtman /

March 10, 2006   Comments Off on Roz Says: Turning the Clocks Ahead… turned my head!

Roz Says: It’s 4:34AM – Why am I still blogging?

Persistence is not all it’s cracked up to be!  Sometimes it is good, but there are those times when it is not so good!  Now is one of those times!  However…

I feel I need to say something, although at this moment I am more than a little wiped out and bewildered with all this setup stuff.  You would think, you have one Blog set up the way you want it, and all you would have to do is copy the files over to the other Blog(s) and tweak a few things!  Right?  WRONG!!!


March 10, 2006   Comments Off on Roz Says: It’s 4:34AM – Why am I still blogging?

Photoshop World Tech Expo FREE Pass

I received this from NAPP (National Association of Photoshop Professionals) and thought I would pass it along for those who are lucky enough to be able to take advantage and live or will be in the area.  Enjoy!

— ORIGINAL Press Release Follows —


Photoshop World Conference & Expo – Miami Convention Center – March 22-24
TAMPA, FL – Thurs., March 9  – Photoshop World Conference & Expo is opening its Tech Expo at the Miami Convention Center to the public for one day only on Thurs., March 23 from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm (
Photoshop World’s Expo is an ideal opportunity for creative professionals and students to get a look at tomorrow’s technology and mingle with industry experts from the biggest names in the business, including Adobe, Microsoft, Nikon, Canon, HP, Dell, Wacom, and B&H Photo Video.


March 9, 2006   Comments Off on Photoshop World Tech Expo FREE Pass

Roz Says: Dana Reeve… A few words!

I just turned on the TV and caught the headline for the upcoming 12 Noon News Broadcast.  Although I did not know Dana Reeve personally, it is not hard to feel the sadness and loss many feel today. 

Christopher (Chris) and Dana Reeve made a huge impact on the world today and hopefully for many years to come.  Chris with his courage and dedication to demonstrate – NOT TO GIVE UP and Dana for her dedication, support and motivation in support of her husand and family. 

Although both made tremendous contributions to the world, what I take away from this is “to fight for what you want no matter what obstacles may stand in your way,” and “to count your blessings daily!”  Obviously most of us do not have the obtacles these two faced so we have much less to really complain about.  IF we are relatively healthy, articulate and can walk, talk and be creative we have it all!  This goes to show you “money is NOT the end all, or be all!” (I think I will take a few extra monents today to Thank G_d for my blessing!)

Two young and vibrant people… We will miss them both!  May they be together, once again… in Heaven!

Posted by Roz Fruchtman /

March 7, 2006   Comments Off on Roz Says: Dana Reeve… A few words!