Reviews, Views, Opinions… Call it what you want… Roz gets to have her say!

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Roz Views: Extreme Makeover: Home Edition – After the Storm

Tonight was the first of four one-hour episodes of Extreme Makeover: Home Edition – “After the Storm: Mississippi!” 

The team visited Biloxi to see how they could help start the rebuilding and healing process.  On first exploration of the area you could visibly see how touched they were by what they saw.  Just thinking of one’s home and possessions — and worst yet family members and friends — being wiped away in a moment’s time is one thing, but seeing it first hand it quite another.  (On a personal note I remember how I felt being trapped in Manhattan on 911 and each time I watched the Twin Towers fall on TV day after day… family members, friends and colleagues looking for their lost!  Almost five years later it is still very real to me!)


March 23, 2006   Comments Off on Roz Views: Extreme Makeover: Home Edition – After the Storm

Roz Views: American Inventor

In my opinion… American Inventor has to be one of the best programs ever.  If not seeing all the crazy things people come up with, it makes one realize to NEVER give up.  One never knows, their opportunity might be right around the next corner!  I found the show very inspiring while entertaining.

March 23, 2006   Comments Off on Roz Views: American Inventor

Roz Says: Getting Back to Basics with Get The Edge

Sometimes we really need to stop what we are doing in order feed our minds with some good stuff and rejuvenate. For me that was pulling out my Anthony Robbins “Get The Edge” program. I started to do this on Monday, but got sidetracked Tuesday as we lost electricity, water and phone service. Wednesday I was concerned with my impending afternoon visit to the oral surgeon.

Today/Thursday… I awoke at 5AM feeling pretty disgusted and disappointed in myself for not continuing the program… no matter what. After all, I could have listened with my Diskman which runs on batteries. Anyway… I started the program “all over again” and did two days in one.  By the end of the day I worked through the two assignments given at the end of the second CD.  What an accomplishment!  I am my toughest critic, but even I have to give myself credit for not just throwing my hands up in defeat!  IF I learned nothing else from Tony, I learned to NOT give up!  Each moment is a new opportunity!


March 23, 2006   Comments Off on Roz Says: Getting Back to Basics with Get The Edge

Roz Says: Thank You, The Two Most Forgotten Words

This has been a sore point with me from the time I entered the Internet. It amazes me why people write to you, ask questions, expect answers, but do not expect to say thank you.

My friends tell me I am too sensitive and expect too much. They say: “people are people,” just move on and forget it! But it happens often enough, it is hard to forget in my opinion.

I always try to remember to thank people because I realize that “nothing is coming to us in this life,” and when people go out of their way to give of themselves, even by answering a question, they should be caring enough to say thank you! I was going to say smart enough, but smarts having absolutely nothing to do with this. It’s a caring issue!


March 22, 2006   Comments Off on Roz Says: Thank You, The Two Most Forgotten Words

NAPP: Master Photoshop CS2 with Deke McClelland – NYC

NAPP: Master Photoshop CS2 with Deke McClelland – NYC
Once again the NAPP Photoshop Seminar Tour is coming to NYC.

These tours are recommended for anyone involved with Adobe Photoshop, remotely involed with Adobe Photoshop or “even thinking of becoming involved with Adobe Photoshop.” It is not only an extensive day of learning, but CAN BE an eye opener. My very first seminar tour (with Scott Kelby) in 2001 was what Dr. Phil would call a “definitely moment” for me.

When: Monday, April 3, 2006

Master Photoshop CS2 with Deke McClelland


March 20, 2006   Comments Off on NAPP: Master Photoshop CS2 with Deke McClelland – NYC