Reviews, Views, Opinions… Call it what you want… Roz gets to have her say!

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Choosing a WordPress Theme: The horror of it all!

While I am more than a little grateful to all those who share their expertise in creating “complimentary” WordPress Themes, I am NOT grateful for the inconsistency of coding and time wasted trying to repair a bad design/coding job.  It amazes me that some will even put their names on the designs.  IF I were a customer I would think twice before hiring them.

One Bad Theme is:  Notebook


February 28, 2006   Comments Off on Choosing a WordPress Theme: The horror of it all!

“The Past Does Not Equal The Future” – Anthony Robbins

With these simple words, Tony Robbins helped me unload the excess baggage I carried around for more years than I wish to remember!  Before that I used to say: We are, where we came from! NEVER NEVER NEVER think that… because it is NOT true!  We are all individuals and can achieve what we want for ourselves IF we believe we can!  I am working on this one right now!

For me… 2006 is a new year, a new life and a new era!

As I move forward in my personal and professional life… I am encountering many new resources I will be sharing with you.  Some are phenominal, some are not so good!  I will be sharing both with you, so stay tuned!

Posted by Roz /

February 27, 2006   Comments Off on “The Past Does Not Equal The Future” – Anthony Robbins