Reviews, Views, Opinions… Call it what you want… Roz gets to have her say!
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What’s Up With Roz?

It’s been a while since I posted at  I do not review as much as I used to as my time and focus has turned to my own creative projects.  However, I still have my hands in once in a while.  Those who know me, know I am hardly ever at a loss for words and have many “Views” on many things.

My dirty little Summer Secret was the CBS reality show Big Brother 8.  I can’t even believe I am saying this as I NEVER in the eight years it has been on TV gotten this involved.  But the Donatos — Evel Dick Donato and his daughter Daniele — captured my heart.  Long story short… they are father and daughter and had not spoken for two years.  It was a Big Brother twist to have them in the house together and see where it led.  It lead to a fabulous reunion with both of them winding up as the “last two standing!”  Evel Dick won the grand prize of half a million dollars with Daniele coming in second with $50,000.  But they both shared the biggest prize of all… the reconciliation of a father and daughter!

EVEL DICK UPDATE:  It did not stop there… Evel Dick Donato (he’s really a love) won two awards at the Fox Reality Show Awards viewed on the Fox Reality Station – Saturday, October 13, 2007.  As well… Evel Dick (not so evel/evil) as he is the VERY FIRST Big Brother winner who cares enough about his fans to keep them updated on his website!

I will admit I do not think I will ever get that involved in anything as it was terribly draining. Imagine getting so emotionally involved with people one does not even know!  For me… I think my own life experiences got in the way and I wanted the two of them to make up before it was too late. The only regrets I have with my own parents who are now long gone is that it could have been so much better, but it was their choices and not mine.  That does not make it any easier.  It is a subject I have come to terms with and do not discuss often.  However, it made me a stronger person and more compassionate and empathetic toward others.  I truly believe it is why I am so wrapped up in my online communication site Say It With eCards.  It is all about the feelings!

Secondly I have spent the last year updating and upgrading my Judaic eCards Club Say It With eCards. The site does not even look like a distant relation to his predecessor Graphics Schmaphics Exclusive Judaic Greeting Club.

Say It With eCards has a new — more professional — look, a new name and the new hi-tech ember features and benefits the big guys offer.  I am so proud and was so inspired — still am —  that I designed almost non-stop and Say It With eCards offers more than 3,400 Judaic eCards — the largest assortment of Judaic eCards on the entire web.

Let us not forget “my health scare” 1 1/2 years ago when I almost lost the sight in my right eye from a sudden retina detachment.  After about 10 days of running back and forth to the doctors and things progressing for the worse instead of better I had outpatient surgery by a fabulous retina specialist in the Bronx, NY – Dr. David Haft.

With God’s favor and guidance over my doctor’s skillful hands my eyesight was restored and I am here typing with clear vision.  It is a miracle at best!  The biggest miracle aside from my eyesight being restored was that during my convalescence I was able to start work on the new eCard Say It With eCards.  That in itself was a challenge, but the doctor assured me it would not hurt me as long as I felt well enough to do it! It was not always easy, but it was a better diversion than wringing my hands wondering when I would see again!  Let me tell you, it made me lots more compassionate and sensitive to those who have vision problems.  By the grace of God mine were only temporary! However, I was told… because I had a torn retina in one eye the chances of it happening in the other eye were increased dramatically! 

Saturday was so productive that I am still wired at 5:50AM EST on Sunday morning.  Not good!  Well, I am off to rest for a while.  I am not sure about sleep, so I will settle for resting!

See you again VERY soon!


Posted by Roz Fruchtman / &

October 14, 2007   Comments Off on What’s Up With Roz?

REVIEW: Kick Start Your Success: Four Powerful Steps to Get What You Want Out of Your Life, Career, and Business by Romanus Wolter

Wednesday evening I was privileged to attend a GMA (Guerrilla Marketing Association) Teleseminar.  The guest speaker was Romanus Wolter, whose new book Kick Start Your Success: Four Powerful Steps to Get What You Want Out of Your Life, Career, and Business became available a few weeks ago.

Romanus was interviewed and explained the Four Powerful Steps to Get What You Want Out of Your Life, Career, and Business:

Step 1: Gain Confidence by Stating Your Intentions
Define your goal and be motivated by your own definition of success.   

(I found this concept most interesting as I realized that WE are in control of our OWN definition of success.  It is NOT what others call success as success means different things to each of us.)

Step 2: Obtain Focus by Creating Your Instant Impact Message
Convert your goal into words to bring your purpose into focus.   

(Putting your goal into words and onto paper gives you focus and the words take on a life of their own… to be changed — or not — as you go.  Romanus explained how the initial goals can and will probably change as our goal(s) becomes a reality.)

Step 3: Find Your Voice by Using Your Success Script
Start powerful conversations that catapult you forward with conviction.   

(He goes on to explain and encourage how engaging in conversation with others and letting them know of our goals and intentions can take us to new levels and how our own enthusiasm for our goal is contagious enough to make others want to help and become involved.)

Step 4: Triumph by Becoming Inter”ask”ive
Acquire the tools necessary to stick to and achieve your big dreams.   

There was a Q & A after each concept was discussed.  This was fantastic as I took advantage to ask some real-life questions.  I was impressed how quickly Romanus responded, not missing a beat!

Sometimes I think I live a very sheltered life.  To my disadvantage… I never even heard of Romanus Wolter before Monday night’s GMA Teleseminar.  How much easier my life would have been — had I!

Posted by Roz /

August 10, 2007   Comments Off on REVIEW: Kick Start Your Success: Four Powerful Steps to Get What You Want Out of Your Life, Career, and Business by Romanus Wolter

Lifetime Network’s Breast Cancer Awareness Petition?

The email below was sent to me privately.  I believe it is so important I am posting it here.  Please send this link to all you know.  WE NEED YOUR HELP!!!

A mastectomy is when a woman’s breast is removed in order to remove cancerous breast cells/tissue.  If you know anyone who has had a mastectomy, you may know that there is a lot of discomfort and pain afterwards.

Insurance companies are trying to make mastectomies an outpatient procedure. Let’s give women the chance to recover properly in the hospital  for 2 days after surgery.

PLEASE… Sign the petition below to urge Congress to pass the Breast Cancer Patient Protection Act of 2007 (S. 459/H.R.758) to ensure no more women are forced to experience a “drive-through” mastectomy

It takes 2 seconds to do this and is very important … please take the time and do it!

Breast Cancer Hospitalization Bill – Important legislation for all women.

PLEASE… send this to everyone in your address book. If there was ever a time when our voices and choices should be heard, this is one of those times. If you’re receiving this, it’s because I think you will take the

30  seconds to go to vote on this issue and send it on to others you know who will do the same. Breast Cancer Awareness

Lifetime Television has put this bill on their web page with a petition drive to show your support.  Last year over half the House  signed on.

PLEASE!!!  Sign the petition by clicking on the web site below.

You need not give more than your name and zip code number.

Posted by Roz Fruchtman / 

July 9, 2007   Comments Off on Lifetime Network’s Breast Cancer Awareness Petition?

Roz View: The Importance of Keeping Customers Informed

The company I am talking about will remain nameless, as my article is more on the importance of keeping customers/clients informed as to what is going on – especially when they are paying for your service.

NOTE:  It has always been my understanding that when one signs up for a “trial period” that trial period is to ENTICE the customer to STAY ON and to demonstrate how the service IS ESSENTIAL to them.  Recently I have had an experience quite opposite to what one would expect.

I recently signed up with a brand new service.  It was not until I actually signed up and paid the money for the 30-day trial that I found out the service was “still in beta!”  For sure… had I known I would not have bothered and would have waited until the service went live – for real!

The company running the service is obviously experiencing some major problems.  However, instead of informing their founding/charter members they are just ignoring them.  Support tickets go unanswered, and everyone is sitting in darkness wondering what is going on.  In my case my service is NOT working so I really can’t do anything. 

As my 30-Day Trial draws to an end, I am hanging in to see if things change.

MY POINT…  When you are running a company/service, or whatever… It is ESSENTIAL and common courtesy to keep your customers informed.  People can be more understanding than you would think!  Customer Service SHOULD BE #1 with any company, no matter what!  Those that forget their customers will pay the price in the end.

MY MOTO… “Things happen, it is NOT the things that happen…  BUT THE WAY THEY ARE SOLVED!” (ignoring your customers, new or old, is NOT solving anything!)

Posted by Roz Fruchtman / Blog Views By Roz

June 15, 2007   Comments Off on Roz View: The Importance of Keeping Customers Informed

Roz Views – Attitude of Gratitude…

I’ve come a really long way since I started “living a life of gratitude” instead of regret and bitterness at what I did not have or missed in my life.

A small example:  Last night I went to the variety drug store.  An item I wanted had been out of stock the day before (while being on sale).  I was given a raincheck and told to come back the next day as there was a possibility it would be in. 

Being out for my daily walk I decided to stop in to have a look.  Lo and behold – after searching all over – behind some other boxes there was “my item!” 

BEFORE:  I would have said: “They ONLY HAD ONE!”

NOW:  I said:  “One is better than none!”

I bought my product, continued my walk and went home grateful I had at least one.  (AND… I still had my raincheck to come back for more when they were in stock!)

It’s such a small thing/example, but I felt I wanted to share it.  It is significant to the way I live my life today.  A much happier and contented life – AND… more productive too!

SIDE NOTE:  IF I learned nothing else from Tony Robbins, the one thing I will always remember is:  YOUR PAST IS NOT YOUR FUTURE!  That one statement freed me from the baggage I lugged around for almost 60 years!  I have since learned to draw on my past to make things better for others through my eCard designs.

Remember… Be good to yourself!  YOU deserve it!

Posted by Roz Fruchtman /

May 27, 2007   Comments Off on Roz Views – Attitude of Gratitude…