Reviews, Views, Opinions… Call it what you want… Roz gets to have her say!
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Roz Reviews: Joyce Meyer – The Secret to True Happiness – Enjoy Today, Embrace Tomorrow

(Originally reviewed April 22, 2008)

I did a more indepth and personal review of Joyce Meyer’s new book:  “The Secret to True Happiness – Enjoy Today, Embrace Tomorrow,” yesterday!  I decided to do an addendum to that review.

Since I listened to the book multiple times already, I would like to voice my true opinion and recommend this book to everyone and anyone.  You definitely do not have to be Christian to read and enjoy this book.  The one thing we all have in common is: “we are all people!”

Although we are all different, we are all very much the same as “we all have to deal with ourselves!”  No getting away from that.  Wherever we go, we take ourselves along.  We are the only people we can’t get away from – EVER!  So we better learn how to deal with ourselves before we learn to deal with others.  Actually, how we think of things affects everything and everyone we come in contact with – family, friends, strangers, business associates, loved ones, the clerk in the supermarket or post office.

True happiness starts with us, from within.  Things are only as important as we make them.  Of course there are exceptions to every rule.  Sometimes things really are important and we have to deal with them NOW!  But even those things are affected by our attitudes and beliefs.

In The Secret to True Happiness – Enjoy Today, Embrace Tomorrow,” Joyce covers just about every aspect of our lives.

I would truly recommend Joyce Meyer’s new book: “The Secret to True Happiness – Enjoy Today, Embrace Tomorrow” to everyone and anyone.  You will NOT be sorry you read or listened to it.  It is phenomenal, and one that I will listen to over and over again.  The nice thing about listening to the Audio/CD version is that you can relisten to those CDs that speak to your heart at any given time without having to reread the entire book.  Reading the book would not hurt either!  Maybe it is just me, but I get so much more out of the audio version of books and learning programs.  I can take them with me anyplace I go — No Restrictions!

CLICK THIS LINK… to read my indepth review to The Secret to True Happiness – Enjoy Today, Embrace Tomorrow and how to affected my immediate life.

For your convenience I have added a link to order Joyce Meyer’s NEW BOOK.  At the least, click the link to check it out NOW.  Don’t take my word for it.   You will be glad you did though — of that I AM POSITIVE!

The Secret to True Happiness – Enjoy Today, Embrace Tomorrow

With Warm Regards,

Roz Fruchtman
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October 13, 2014   Comments Off on Roz Reviews: Joyce Meyer – The Secret to True Happiness – Enjoy Today, Embrace Tomorrow

Roz Review: 100 Ways To Simplify Your Life by Joyce Meyer

(Original Review Written December 23, 2008)

Subhead: Joyce Meyer’s New Book, “100 Ways to Simplify Your Life,” is the book of the year in my opinion.  This book will become the Bible of Everyday Living.

“100 Ways to Simplify Your Life” by Joyce Meyer has to be Joyce’s best book yet!  Or… the timing of its release makes it her best book yet!  Either way, I would recommend this book to everyone,  no matter if they are Christian or not.

Joyce share “common rules” for everyday living.  No matter what our religion or ethnicity, we are all the same in many respects!

I keep this book by my bed and before I go to sleep, I play a little game with myself.  I open it to a random page and tell myself “this is the page God thinks I need to read today!”

!00 Ways to Simplify Your Life is just that.  Joyce lists 100 ways to simplify your life – nothing more, nothing less.

How to use this book.

Actually, you do not have to start from the beginning.  You can open the book to any page and start there, or you can check out the “Table of Contents” and select the challenges you would like to read about.

The book is written in a “simple” consistent format!

Each section starts off with a quote by a person – some are anonymous – but all meaningful.  One of my favorite quotes  is listed with “Tip 44 – Pray About Everything.”  The quote is: “Pray, and let God worry!” ~ Martin Luther.  What a concept!

Next, there is a quote, psalm or proverb from the Bible.  What a great way to learn them, one by one!

Lastly, Joyce shares the solution or tip to the specific challenge you are reading about.

YOU REALLY do have to get this book.  BUY IT for EVERYONE you know!  You will be glad you did and they will be glad you did!  The peace of mind this book shares is priceless!

I can’t say enough about 100 Way To Simplify Your Life by Joyce Meyer!

COMPLAINT… The “ONLY” complaint I have is… the book is “NOT long enough.”  There are so many challenges in life that Joyce could have written 200 Ways to Simplify Your Life and it still would have been great.

I would suggest that Joyce write a sequel, perhaps call it: 100 “Additional” Ways to Simplify Your Life. It would be a best seller!

This book is so well timed with our country’s current challenges.

“I LOVE IT, LOVE IT, LOVE IT!  You will too!”

I have both the CD version and the paper version.  I would suggest them both, but I would definitely suggest the paper version so you can highlight those passages you want to find quickly.

100 Ways to Simplify Your Life by Joyce Meyer

Written and Reviewed by Roz Fruchtman

December 12, 2012   2 Comments

Roz Speaks Out: Amazon – Allows Market Place Seller’s To Charge Customers Double

Kodak Z1012 Digital Camera

I am appalled that, who I like very much, and who I buy from regularly…  Allow’s their “Market Place” sellers to charge customers “twice the price” for an item.  Perhaps what is bothering me more is that, themselves is promoting this particular seller in an email that just sent out to their mailing list.  In my book, that implies that is saying this is ok!

In this case, the item in question is the “Kodak Z1012 Digital Camera.

I have been watching this camera for many months now as I have a personal interest in it.  Perhaps if this were not the case I would not have known the difference in price when’s email advertisement hit my email box just a few moments ago. is quoting $479.95 – sold by their “Market Place” Vendor BlueProton, for a camera that Kodak, itself retails for $249.95.

This is outrageous in my opinion.  Staples had the same camera a week or two ago for $219.95.  Staples regular price is $249.95.

My point here…  BE CAREFUL and check out your prices BEFORE you purchase anything… whether online or offline.  It could be very costly for you if you do not!


Let us hear from you.  Post your comments below.  Thank You!

Posted by Roz Fruchtman,

December 29, 2008   Comments Off on Roz Speaks Out: Amazon – Allows Market Place Seller’s To Charge Customers Double

Roz Reviews: The Vision Board – The Secret To An Extraordinary Life by Joyce Schwarz

A Personal Analysis: The words “Vision Board” alone make one think of something visual, something that you can see – upfront and personal.

As a digital artist, I am a visual being, but find it hard to “envision” during visual exercises — Like imagine how it would be if…

The book’s appearance, the colors, the art, the layout and the feel of the book itself stirs feelings of creativity and makes you want to jump right in and get going to either start learning how to create
your first Vision Board or stirs up your creative juices to just dive in and get started.

Joyce starts off by talking about creating a Vision Statement or Phrase that will be the theme of your Vision Board.  She takes you by the hand and shows you how to create this theme, even if you are clueless as to where to begin. She encourages you to change it, enhance it – after all, this is YOUR vision and your Vision Board.  Anything goes!

The visuals through the book give you ideas of what others have done.  It’s a good place to start to see what feels good to you and what does not.

Did you know you can create Vision Boards for Charities, Causes, Life’s Celebrations, Life’s Milestones, Anniversaries, Retirement, etc. etc.  The list goes on and one – Absolutely anything goes!

Recently I spoke to a friend and was discussing reviewing The Vision Board by Joyce Schwarz.  I said it would be great to have a Vision Board in every room so that I can see it when I first get up in the morning.  Or course I thought that silly, but my friend suggested having one in each room “for my vision for THAT room!” 

Joyce talks a about Group Vision Boards – What a great idea for organizations or even businesses.  The possibilities are endless.

Joyce goes on to discuss the hows of creating a Vision Board as well as the embellishments that can be used like glitter, beading, bottle caps, ticket stubs, etc. etc.  I used to do needlepoint and have lots of fun stuff I could not part with hanging around. 

There is even a section of Vision Board FAQs

  • What goes on a Vision Board
  • What size should a Vision Board Be and What materials should it be made of
  • What types of images and where to find them
  • What kind of adhesive should I use
  • What’s the perfect design for my board
  • How big should my pictures be
  • Should I include my photo on the board
  • Etc.

I can go on forever.  I am not even going to mention that “The Secret’s” mentors are included in this fabulous book.  The book can stand alone on its own merit and I think everyone interested in Vision Boards should order one RIGHT NOW!!!

There is just too much to mention to include it all in this review.

The book includes case studies, sample Vision Boards of every style.  Theories of why, how and when to do a Vision Board.  You name it, it is included in this book! One family took a complete wall to use as their Vision Board.  Don’t you wish you could do that!  Living in an apartment, I am not about to try!

This may sound silly, but before reading The Vision Board, I did not think it was for me.  NOW…

I believe we ALL need to see our dreams and goals DAILY in order to make them real.  For me this is the truth.  I have notes and drawings all over the place – on napkins, toilet paper, scraps of paper, the inside of envelopes, the backs of wrapping paper, on junk mail and not so junk mail – got the picture!  I should have one Vision Board on just organization! No joke, if I took all my doodles and put them on a Vision Board that would be a great accomplishment, maybe they would see the day of light digitally or in print!

Life happens, Life changes, but… we need a place to start!  This book is it!

Joyce goes on to talk about Handmade vs Digital Vision Boards.  For example you can create your Vision Board by pasting items on poster board and hanging it on a wall, then photograph it and scan it to make a screen saver or wall paper for your computer and/or cell phone. 

Before Rhonda Byrne’s movie “”The Secret” I had no clue what a Vision Board even was! Afterwards I heard them mentioned now and again, but it always seemed to be in relation to traveling to exotic places, living in big house or mansions, fancy cards, etc.  None of that stuff interests me.  Let me say:  I DO like nice things!  But I am an artist…  I would love to have a maid!  Housekeeping is not my cup of tea.  I would rather sit at the computer designing and have someone else do the housework!

My dream has always been to see my art in print.  My Vision Board will have sample of my artwork on printed materials.  Perhaps if I have it staring at me daily I will make it happen!

The Vision Board by Joyce Schwarz made me realize that everyone and anyone can have a Vision Board.  There is no age limit, no gender, ethnicity, it is absolutely perfect for everyone and anyone.

At the back of the book is a breakdown of Chapters and what and who is included – including their website URLs.


My only complaint, and I am not sure it is a complaint as much as a convenience.  I would have liked an INDEX at the back of the book so that you could go directly to subjects, categories and people.  For example, I knew Marie Diamond was in the book, it took a while to find her as well after reading the book you might want to go back to certain places and if you did not remember what Chapter the item appeared in, it might take a while to find it.  This might be nit picky, but it is worth a mention.  However, I would NOT let it stop me from buying the book.  If you are even thinking/contemplating doing a Vision Board this book is a MUST!

So what are you waiting for…

CLICK the Link Below to Order YOUR Copy of…
“The Vision Board – The Secret To an Extraordinary Life by Joyce Schwarz”

Reviews by Roz Fruchtman @

Wishing you Warm Regards and Happy Vision Board Building!

November 24, 2008   Comments Off on Roz Reviews: The Vision Board – The Secret To An Extraordinary Life by Joyce Schwarz

Money and You Update, Radio and More

I have attended a number of Money and You Teleseminars and found them to be quite interesting, value packed and fun.  I even made some really good connections through them.  With this said, when I received this update earlier this afternoon, I decided to share it with you! 

MONEY & YOU UPDATE – October 14, 2008


1. “Key Calls with the Experts” now Money & You Radio

2. Recent Recordings

3. Upcoming Events

4. Upcoming Programs



Over the past several months, we have been creating a new program structure to replace the teleconference structure of our Key Calls. We received many comments that our lines were overloaded, hearing clearly was an issue and participating from overseas could be difficult for some.

Our solution to this is Money & You Radio, a weekly broadcast on World Talk Radio, live from Studio A. Each week DC interviews some of the brightest people working to make a difference. Each guest will share with you keys to financial freedom and personal success – while adding tremendous value to humanity.

Topics include “entrepreneurship with heart”; money and finances; sales and marketing; people and organization.

This is a global show that will give you a glimpse of what is happening internationally in social entrepreneurship, business and education.

DC has been interviewing notable social entrepreneurs, business leaders, humanitarians and persons from all walks of life for decades. This Show is continuing a work of nearly 30 years of Uplifting Humanity’s Consciousness Through Business.

Join us on Money & You Radio this coming Tuesday as DC Cordova interviews Sharon Lechter

Tune into World Talk Radio, Studio A or bookmark our site at:

Sharon Lechter has built million-dollar businesses that have had a tremendous positive impact in the way that children, teens and adults are being educated and guided to success. She was the co-author and the organizational driving force behind the Rich Dad/Poor Dad series of books.

In this episode Sharon will share her real-life experiences in building businesses, working with teams, and having business and personal success.

Sharon will also share tips on how to empower children and young people — how to successfully communicate with them. Sharon’s generosity of spirit – and knowledge – will give the listeners tools that can be used immediately to accomplish results both in business and in personal relationships.


2. Recent Recordings

DC recently recorded conversations on the subject of the economic conditions the world is finding itself in, and how we can take action to avoid being caught up in the drama of the daily news.  In these recording that DC has shared with us, learn how you can activate what you learned in Money & You to help you through your own personal finances.

Jacklyn Johnston with DC Cordova: Prosperity & You in Challenging Times
Quote: “There is choice during times of rapid change.  Do you want to react with fear?  Or do you want to seize opportunity?”

Eric Lofholm Interviews DC Cordova: Excelling in a Changing Financial Environment
Quote: “Wealth or richness is not about how much money you have, its how much money you have access to.”


 3. Upcoming Events

Tuesday, October 14, 2008, DC interviews Sharon Lechter on Money & You Radio, 4:00pm Pacific.
Tune in Live:  World Talk Radio, Studio A

Thursday, October 16, 2008, DC interviews Eric Lofholm, 5:00pm Pacific
Register to listen:


4. Upcoming Programs

November 20-23, 2008 Money & You® in Southern California.  Early Bird special discount of $500 off the regular tuition of $1,995 expires October 20, 2008. Go to <> to download a registration form

November 29-December 7, 2008 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.  Early Bird discount of $2,000 off the regular tuition of $8,880 expires October 29, 2008. Contact our North American offices at (713) 880-8885 for more information and to register.


Imaginal Education Systems
P.O. Box 70105
Houston, TX  77270
Phone:  713-880-8885


October 14, 2008   Comments Off on Money and You Update, Radio and More