Judaic Mother’s Day eCards / Yiddishe Mama eCards
Say It With eCards is a Judaic eCard Club (web site) offering more than 2,600 tastefully designed Judaic themed eCards for a variety of holidays, events, subjects & acknowledgements. It is the only web site of its kind which offers this type of communication system for the Jewish Community and/or those having a need for Judaic themed eCards. With this said:
MOTHER’S DAY is this coming Sunday, May 13, 2007.
I have been working furiously to create as many Judaic Mother’s Day eCards as possible for your sending convenience.
To date, I there are over 160 Judaic Mother’s Day eCards available at:
Say It With eCards / http://www.sayitwithecards.com/
The Mother’s Day categories to date are:
1) Judaic eCards – Daughter
2) Judaic eCards – Daughter-in-Law
3) Judaic eCards – First-Time-Mother
4) Judaic eCards – Grandmother / Bubbe / Bubbie
5) Judaic eCards – Mother
    a) Generic (For all mother’s – including no religious symbols)
    b) Hebrew
    c) Judaic
    d) Patriotic
6) Judaic eCards – Mother-in-Law
    a) Judaic
    b) Non-Judaic (For all mother’s – including no religious symbols)
7) Judaic eCards – Patriotic
8) Judaic eCards – Silhouettes Collection
    a) Judaic
    b) Non-Judaic (For all mother’s – including no religious symbols)
9) Wife / Significant Other
NOTE: There will be a category added: Judaic eCards – Friends, as well I am still uploading more cards to the existing categories.
Say It With eCards is a fee-based Judaic eCard web site. It offers over 2,600 Judaic themed eCards. Members enjoy *unlimited service / unlimited eCard sending / full access to all member benefits 24/7 365 days a year.
Top 18 Member Benefits include:
Questions/ Comments/ Suggestions:
  Mail Roz at: mailto:Roz@SayItWithEcards.com
P.S. You may share this with anyone you feel might be interested.
Roz Fruchtman – Owner/Designer
Say It With eCards / http://www.SayItWithEcards.com
NOW: More than 2,600 Judaic eCards Available